Once upon a time, there was a little town, their lives a small family [Mother (Unnamed), Father (Unnamed), Son (Player; Unnamed)]. One day, Father(NameByYourself) gets disappeared in a research at some weird ruins when Player(NameByYourself) was only 5 yeared old. After 5 years, Player(NameByYourself) gets his first Pokemon. Now, Player(NameByYourself)'s goal is to find out what actually happened with his dad and What is the mystery of the Mystery Ruins, is that cursed by an ancient Pokemon? Or something else(DecidedByYourself)? Player(NameByYourself) faces a lot of enemies, rivals, friends, and a Girl(NameByYourself) [who secretly have a crush on the player (when the player gets 4 badges, the Girl reveals his love for the player)].
There is a hack of Pokemon Red called Team Rocket Edition. It's in the list under 'T'. You can find more info on it. But I'm guessing the ROM you're thinking of is FireRed: Rocket Edition, as that's the one everyone's talking about. It's also on the list under 'F'. In both cases, you will need an emulator.